Environmentally friendly graffiti removal
Our professionals have approximately 20 years of experience in graffiti removal, and we manage all graffiti removals with chemicals suited for the target and the surface material to ensure the work is carried out without damage to any materials. The chemicals also work in a cold atmosphere, which means that we can offer graffiti removal round the year.
Graffiti protection is the most environmentally friendly manner of treating surfaces. The AGH graffiti protection material is a water-based wax emulsion that is environmentally friendly and completely free of toxins. The protection material is spread onto the surface with a high-pressure sprayer, and after drying, it is completely colourless. The invisible, breathable protection meets the SILKO standards of the Finnish Transport Agency. Graffiti can be removed from the protected surface with hot, pressurised water—no chemicals are needed.
Contact us for professional graffiti removal and graffiti protection!