Delete took care of the dirty work during the annual docking of Silja Serenade. Silja Serenade has arrived at Rauma shipyard. Repair and maintenance work is carried out during the annual docking of a cruise ship. This includes the cleaning of the ship’s tanks, a project appointed for Delete.
The tools are simple and effective. In principle, pressure washers and a suction vehicle are all that is required. The suction vehicles are parked on the dock next to the dry pool, and the tubes run through holes in the hull of the ship. The employees have the key role in the cleaning operation. The tanks are situated in the ship’s structures, and most of them are located beneath the waterline. Working in a ship’s structures is challenging as the locations of the tanks were not exactly designed for moving around. The employees must enter the cleaning sites through small holes cut in the steel. The space is further limited by all the tubes of the pressure washers and suction vehicles running through it.
“The tanks are definitely the hardest parts to clean in a cruise ship.”
Mika Savolainen, Foreman, Delete Finland Ltd.