Delete strives to act responsibly in all aspects of its operations. To promote responsible action, as of October 2016 Delete will audit all its suppliers. The supplier audits are also part of Delete’s HSEQ system, which complies with the ISO 9001 standard, and are in line with the requirements of the UN Global Compact. Delete is a signatory to the Compact, which is a sustainable development initiative of the United Nations.
Delete to purchase Suomen Saneeraustekniikka Oy and enhance its status as an expert in harmful materials and asbestos
Delete is strengthening its status in the challenging asbestos and harmful materials sector by purchasing the Turku-based Suomen Saneeraustekniikka Oy, one of the trailblazers in the industry. With this acquisition, Delete is enhancing its position as an expert in harmful materials and as the largest professional of demolition services in the Nordic countries.
Carbon footprint of the building in Haapaniemenkatu, Helsinki, to be measured—emissions can be halved with an emissions calculator
During its demolition work at Haapaniemenkatu 4 in Sörnäinen, Helsinki, Delete is measuring the carbon footprint of the demolition. For the calculations, Delete is using its carbon footprint calculator, the only one of its kind in Europe. The measurements carried out by the calculator include emissions caused by the energy used at the site, the processing of construction waste, and transport.