Delete to purchase Suomen Saneeraustekniikka Oy and enhance its status as an expert in harmful materials and asbestos

– Purchasing Suomen Saneeraustekniikka will bring Delete extensive expertise in the research and removal of harmful materials which we can combine with Delete’s existing, comprehensive demolition expertise. The corporate acquisition will strengthen Delete’s EHSQ-standardised working methods for the removal and research of harmful materials even further. We are also making sure that we meet the increasingly strict requirements of our customers and the industry, summarises Kimmo Palomäki, Business Director for Demolition Services at Delete.

– For the clients of Suomen Saneeraustekniikka, the acquisition only means that the service selection will become even more extensive and that the company will be able to accept larger overall projects and renovation demolition projects. Our customers will have access to the entire service selection of Delete, from industrial and property cleaning services to sewer work, says CEO Kai Salmi regarding the benefits of the acquisition to the clientele.

– We are actively working to grow our business in the Nordic countries. Over the past year, corporate acquisitions and organic growth have enabled Delete to grow into the largest demolition contractor in the Nordic countries and a pioneer in the professional removal of harmful materials, summarises Tommi Kajasoja, CEO of Delete Finland Ltd regarding the corporate acquisition.

For more information, please contact:

Tommi Kajasoja, CEO, Delete Finland Ltd

Tel. +358 (0)46 851 5963 or

Kai Salmi, CEO, Suomen Saneeraustekniikka Oy

Tel. +358 (0)400 748 118 or

Suomen Saneeraustekniikka Oy specialises in challenging mould, asbestos and creosote projects. The company employs seven people and its turnover in 2015 was EUR one million. Suomen Saneeraustekniikka Oy has renovated hundreds of different sites and is known for its high quality, excellent service and professional employees who have decades of experience on demanding, problematic projects.